Diversity, equality and inclusion
Iris is a company that promotes inclusion and diversity. Iris has already taken several actions related to human sustainability. The employment of refugees, for which we have received an award is one example. Some other examples are the various tests and employment of disabled people or the organization of a job day in collaboration with Talent2Connect where we met so-called underprivileged people whom we coached and to whom we made a job offer.

Some figures

Our commitment to safety and health
I Safe – We Safe
Employees who feel good about themselves are an asset to any employer. Betterness plays an increasingly important role in realizing job happiness and is propagated not only through our values, skills and CSR policies, but also through safety policies.
By 2020, it was an objective for the Iris Group to reduce the frequency rate and severity rate of work accidents by 10%.
Despite the impact of the health crisis, we continued to roll out a culture change program in which exemplary behavior and awareness are key elements.
Health & Safety wants to focus even more on safety on the worksites with the development of proactive leading indicators for safety, health and wellbeing at work. This will enable us to measure what we need to do to prevent accidents and reduce risks.

Health & Safety – well-being customers
Wellbeing is an important part of our customers’ commercial activities, and this is paying off through:
- Reducing the number of work-related accidents with absence from work
- Consultation with clients to deal with dangerous situations and risks on site
- Analysis of work accidents in collaboration with the client’s SIPPT (Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work)
- Preparation of specific assignments by performing task risk analyses
- Observations on different sites
- Reporting dangerous situations via online tool
- Safety and well-being as a fixed agenda item at all our meetings
- Safety ladder certification level 3 and VCA** and VCA-P

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