Products & services
a strong value within our company culture
Innovation is clearly part of Iris’ DNA: it is one of the five main behaviors expected of our employees (Owner, Innovator, Entrepreneur, Partner, Customer-centric, Leader). It can be found in each of our job descriptions, clearly stated at each level of responsibility.
In a world that is constantly changing, innovation is vital to stay relevant in the marketplace. Innovation should enable us to create value by offering our customers more relevant services, ahead of our competitors.
Innovation and continuous improvement are also seen as a great way to bring Betterness to our employees: by automating repetitive tasks, we improve the well-being of our employees at work, and allow them to save time and focus on tasks that add value for our customers.
internal organization
To support this culture of innovation, Iris created in 2018 PRINS (PRojects, INnovation & Strategy), an innovation and/or project management department in order to provide the right tools and guidance into the future. The department reports directly to the CEO.
The selection of innovation projects is always based on the value they bring to each of the four pillars of Betterness: Better People, Better Customer, Better Organization, Better Society.
PRINS has created a methodological framework for innovation and project oversight and actively supports the rest of the company in applying this methodology.
The methodology, which is based on Agile and Lean principles, is used both in the context of continuous improvement and in the context of larger cross-cutting projects.
Innovation, concrete results
Customer satisfaction survey
We conducted our last satisfaction survey in 2021 during the first quarter.
In the context of BETTERNESS, a number of new important questions were added. One of these questions was to know if we help reduce the client’s workload by offering them Betterness.
On a scale of 1 to 4, our score is 3,29 which largely confirms our strategy! This corresponds to a satisfaction rate of 82%.
Commit to a better customer experience
An optimal customer experience, flexible service and good communication are essential for building long-term relationships with customers. The positive results of the satisfaction survey conducted in May 2021 are proof of this.
Testimonials from our clients
I want to thank you for the help I have received today from Iris. Besides of the regular willingness to help, the cleaning person managed to do even more today.
He helped me with the waste containers for our offices moving project. I was very determined to do everything by myself but I was too optimistic.
The help is very much appreciated!
Je viens de faire le point avec mon équipe et je tenais à vous féliciter car le retour que j’ai reçu est très positif : professionnels, méticuleux, volontaires.
Encore merci.
Ik wil benadrukken dat wij ons zeer bewust zijn van het feit dat poetsen in deze woelige tijden niet altijd even leuk en vanzelfsprekend is. Daarom wens ik ook uitdrukkelijk mee te geven dat wij jullie medewerkers zeer erkentelijk zijn voor het werk dat ze momenteel uitvoeren.
Ook voor de volharding en dagdagelijkse inzet die ze tonen om onze kantoren ondanks alles toch proper te houden wil ik hen nu al, namens KBC bijzonder bedanken.
Un grand merci pour l’intervention rapide et au professionnalisme de vos équipes nettoyage et planning !!
Ce n’était pas une tâche facile. Merci encore.
Hierbij wens ik met jullie te delen dat ik heel tevreden ben over de samenwerking met de mensen van Iris op de site van
Brussel. We hebben heel wat werk verzet dit jaar, onverwachte klussen moeten klaren, grote verhuizen organiseren, last minute aanvragen uitvoeren en dat werd op een zeer professionele manier door de mensen van Iris aangepakt.
Par la présente je tenais à vous remercier pour la réactivité, flexibilité et qualité des services fournis par vos équipes et vous-même. En ces moments difficiles, c’est important de pouvoirs compter non pas sur des fournisseurs, mais des partenaires fiables. Si nous souhaitons passer ce cap difficile, c’est uniquement en travaillant ensemble et vers un même objectif commun.
Le personnel Lloydspharma vous remercie pour vos efforts et contribution à notre mission qui est d’aider les patients.
Cette année a été terriblement épuisante pour nous tous et une des équipes qui a brillé dans cette crise est la vôtre ! Vous avez été d’une qualité professionnelle, d’une efficacité redoutable et tout ceci toujours avec le sourire et votre gentillesse légendaire.
Merci, merci, merci !
Social partners
Iris is a member of The SHIFT, a Belgian network in the field of CSR. This organization has more than 300 members: small and large companies, NGOs and public institutions. Its mission is to inform, assist and bring together its members to evolve towards a sustainable economy and community.
Iris has been a founding member of Talent2Connect since 2017. The group participates as an employer in this innovative digital platform that helps talented employees find an employer perfectly matched to their needs, and vice versa. Several employers from the public, private and social sectors are joining forces to tackle this complex challenge. This collective approach makes it easier to understand the professional aspirations of talented workers, help them define their competencies, and, where necessary, provide tailored training that helps them achieve their professional goals, courtesy of private and social institutions. Low-skilled young people, persons with limited mobility, persons of a certain age, migrants, persons wishing to do voluntary work, etc., who have one or more talents, can register on the website and thus call on the help of Talent2Connect.