Developing & maintaining impeccable premises
We make sure that our customers’ workplaces are spotless, regardless of the environment. Whether it is buildings, green spaces, infrastructures or production sites, we make sure that our facilities’ clients are in perfect condition. Our clients’ real estate and industrial assets need to be impeccable, maintained and efficient.
Your trusted partner in bringing betterness to people’s premises
Iris aims to be THE leading reference and a reliable partner for her stakeholders in the field of BETTERNESS.

At Iris, people are at the center of our activities and strategy. By developing strong relationships between employees and customers, and by improving the job satisfaction and safety of its employees, customers and partners, we contribute to create Betterness.

By contributing to the peace of mind (worry less) and wellbeing of our customers and our own employees, we enable them to improve their productivity. That is our definition of excellence.

Finds its origin in who we are as a company: our corporate culture but also our mission, our business. In our business, we work in/on installations/infrastructures and as our corporate culture is human, we wanted to translate it by insisting on the fact that these infrastructures are linked to human beings.

This means that we want to be the privileged and the trusted partner of all our stakeholders – not only our customers, but also our suppliers and even our staff.
A clear commitment and assumption of responsibilities.
Innovating and constantly improving.
Do business and improving.
Working together
Delivering solutions and customer satisfaction.